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Freemasonry looks to recognize the work of Masons through various awards programs. These awards focus on celebrating exceptional philanthropic contributions; service to country, Lodge or the Fraternity; youth leadership; and accomplishments within some field of endeavor beneficial to mankind.

For members looking to learn more about an award or nominate a brother, log in to your Grand View account. From your “My Portal” page, click Resources. Under the Master Mason resources, you will find an Awards section with more information on the awards and nomination process.


Grand Master’s Medal of Honor

The Grand Master’s Medal of Honor serves to recognize a member of the Fraternity who has been a Master Mason in good standing for 20 or more years and has shown exemplary service to his Lodge and the Fraternity in that time. Oftentimes, the medal serves as an opportunity to recognize a member who has given himself tirelessly to the Fraternity and has been an integral member in improving the state of the Craft, and yet has never served as Master of his lodge. Each Masonic District is eligible to nominate one member from the Lodges in their district. This is a medal that the Grand Master personally presents to the winner.

Learn more about this award in the Resources section of your Grand View account.

Grand Master’s Award Program

The Grand Master’s Award Program serves to award Lodges that provide their members and communities with a well rounded program of fraternal services, community involvement, and exemplary operations. Based on a point system, the lodge earns points for specific achievements within charity work, fundraising, community engagement, Lodge trainings and inspections, and years of service. The maximum point totals can vary from Lodge to Lodge based on a variety of factors.

Learn more about this award in the Resources section of your Grand View account.

Community Builders Award

The Community Builders Award serves to recognize individuals for their community service efforts within their local area. It is an award of the Lodge rather than the Grand Lodge and illustrates the power that positive recognition can have in promoting the local community. Additionally, the Lodge is encouraged to host a dinner to celebrate the presentation of the Community Builders Award to the honoree, and invite the local media to attend.

Lodges should contact the Grand Secretary’s Office for more information.

Senior Member Awards

The longstanding service from our members is something that we cherish and value within our organization. The Senior Member Awards serve to recognize 50, 60, 65, 70 and 75 years of service, respectively. These awards are presented by the Grand Lodges. The 25-, 35- and 40-year pins are not presented by the Grand Lodges, but are the gift of the local Lodges, if the Lodges chooses to present the award. Therefore, a Grand Lodge representative is not required for these presentations.

Learn more about this award in the Resources section of your Grand View account.